
Here you can find an overview of the Institute for Security and Safety’s (ISS) ongoing research projects:



March 2021 - February 2023
cyber 4 schools cyber4schools

Under the consortial leadership of ASM Market Reseach and Analysis Center and in cooperation with its partners Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Pelgulinna Gymnasium and Zespol Szkol Nr 2 im. Przyjazni Polsko-Norweskiej, the Institute for Security and Safety (ISS) is currently working on the innovative Erasmus+ research project: CYBER4SCHOOLS.

With the Covid-19 pandemic driving digital learning for educational institutions all over europe and young people increasingly engaging with digital technologies and the internet, secure and responsible ways of interacting with these technologies are becoming increasingly necessary. There is a need to educate pupils on the importance of cybersecurity for their lives and schools should be at the forefront of equipping their students with quality yet engaging learning methods, implementable in a remote-schooling environment.

CYBER4SCHOOLS aims to support the development of digital educational concepts at European schools with an innovative way to ensure pupils are learning to use these digital tools in a secure and responsible manner. The project achieves this by delivering a digital education concept which is centered around cyber games on a specifically developed game application, along with the associated training and teaching materials for online courses to enable a novel learning experience for pupils even in a remote online setting.

In doing so, the project will help pupils to develop new digital skills to navigate in an increasingly challenging digital world, as well as help them internalize the negative consequences of their digital actions and reflect on their possibly false sense of invincibility in the digital domain. At the same time it empowers and supports teachers to use innovative learning tools and inspires them and their students to become ambassadors of innovative learning using games in cybersecurity education. 

Visit for more information and updates.

erasmus+ programme european union



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Key Topics

digital security smart cities automotive cyber nuclear

The Institute for Security and Safety (ISS) addresses a range of key topics:


cooperation horizon europe

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